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Writer's pictureLisa Matthews Said

The Tao of Competition: Four Mantras and a Kriya to Optimise Energy

Updated: Oct 9, 2023

How often are you wasting energy and getting in your own way without even realising it? I know there are times I do and I have techniques to combat this which I'll discuss in a moment but it took my daughter’s sports day to throw this into sharp relief for me. As I was sitting in the blazing sun observing the exchanges of energy as the children competed, four key elements emerged as important for effective conservation of energy which is essential if we are to achieve effective manifestation.

1. Get on the inside track

Competition is an important part of our growth as individuals. There will always be people who can do it better than you, but that's a good thing! Start to see competition as inspiration - without envy. Observing excellence shows us what is possible, it inspires us to figure out how those who achieve excellence do it.

Like in the 400 metres, if we don’t get on the inside track, follow and understand how those in the lead do what they they do, we end up staying in the outside lane, travelling further and using up far more energy than we need to.

2. Focus and Intention

There were many children who, like many of us, clearly had the intention of winning the race and the ability, however, when their focus waned, when they started looking over their shoulder, worrying about what other people were doing, they lost their focus and ultimately the race.

And so it is with many of us, we have a clear intention but when we do not have the inner determination and focus to get from a to b, when our attention is taken by external factors our ability to meet our goals is reduced.

If we have passion project that we invest in heavily but our subconscious, in a bid to protect us, is trying to convince us to 'play small', to stay with the tried, tested and true, to not venture into the new, doubt sets in. We may be ploughing lots of our energy into our passion projects and manifesting our desires but if we are ploughing an equal amount of energy into our doubts, we'll get nowhere.

If we post on social media and the post doesn’t get the number of likes or shares we expect or from the people we expect, rather than focusing on the energy and intention of our message, we can start to doubt ourselves, our status, our self worth and our ability to get the job done. We can give our energy to our goals or to our doubts. If we give it to both, we’ll falter.

3. Conservation and detachment

In the 200 metres, those that started off strong with a clear intention and focus had an explosive beginning but quickly their energy began to wane; those that had a quiet detachment in addition to intention and focus conserved their energy and had enough reserves in the final stages to see them through.

Quick wins can be useful but if we’re playing the long game or have long term goals, it’s important to be detached from the final outcome. Oftentimes we set our goals and implement a strategy but when the object of our desires doesn't seem to be manifesting in our self imposed timescale, we tend to start overthinking, we re-plan, we put in contingencies, we expend even more energy trying to force the issue or influence the outcome and that sends a diluted message to the universe.

And so it was with the children in the 200 metres. Those that could see their peers calmly moving ahead put their energy into the fear of loss and although they redoubled their efforts, they didn't have enough to make it across the finish line before their more composed counterparts.

To reach our goals, we must have faith that we’ve set our intention, we’ve applied our focus and that the universe will bring us what we’ve asked for or something even better!

4. Optimism

Finally, hope and optimism is key in achieving our goals, thinking it’s a done deal, visualising a successful outcome, a quiet (detached) inner knowing that success is assured. The minute we start making excuses or give up at the first hurdle, the longer and stonier our journey to success. Life gives us enough challenges to keep us stimulated, we don’t need to get in our own way with a negative point of view.

In the case of a girl who stopped in the middle of the race to complain her skipping ropes were too short, her complaining guaranteed she lost the race. Had she amended her strategy, bent lower, taken longer strides as soon as she observed the ropes as not optimal for her size, it may still have been more difficult for her to win but she would have finished and won the gift of resilience. That resilience and ability to replan in the moment when challenge occurs could lead her to win in many different scenarios.

Observing ‘negative’ situations as just ‘different’ or ‘unexpected’ allows us to apply creativity to the situation. With creativity comes hope. When we have hope we bring positivity to a situation and our focused energy flows in the direction of our desired outcome. When we are stuck in negativity, entropy dictates that the energy cannot possibly flow towards our desired outcome.

So here are four mantras to assist us in ensuring our energy is going in the right direction, in service to ourselves and humanity. Take a deep breath and say the mantra on the out breath. Repeat this three times for each mantra to harness the power of three.

I observe others' talents as a source of inspiration and celebrate their success

I am focused on my goals, I have the ability to succeed

I know the universe always has my back

Positivity helps me delight in the blessing in every situation

Finally, if you’re feeling scattered and stressed out, like you’re not seeing clearly or it’s hard to focus on one thing, here’s a technique to conserve your energy. In yoga, we call a practice or technique which achieves an aim a kriya. Pratyahara means withdrawal from external forces which drain our energy. Click on the image below to access the technique.

This technique is just one in an arsenal of magickal techniques I use to shift energy, remove blocks, influence outcomes and manifest desires. I have plenty more! 😁

Do you feel that sometimes you're taking two steps forward and three steps back? That phenomenal success is there for you but lies just beyond your reach, sometimes wondering half jokingly 'am I cursed?'

I've been there! I can help you navigate it.

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