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Writer's pictureLisa Matthews Said

Ultimate Guide to Light Language

Updated: Jun 17, 2023

It's likely that if you are a Reiki or Angel Reiki practitioner, you will be familiar with the Angelic Kingdom of Light but the concept of Light language seems suddenly to have erupted onto the Mind, Body, Spirit circuit with practitioners running workshops at fairs and transmissions popping up on YouTube, in yoga classes, guided meditations and sound healing sessions.

If you've been in a sound bath or guided meditation and heard the facilitator pronounce a seemingly alien language which seems strange and incomprehensible, you're not alone. I first came across light language in Jerry Sargeant's Star Magic meditations and the first time I heard it, my brain said 'what the hell is this nonsense?' It was a little jarring at first as my ego struggled to assimilate something that I didn't understand. My brain wanted to analyse it and deconstruct it. It didn't help when my mother, who was in the same meditation, exclaimed 'I actually understood what he was saying!' My triggered ego retorted, "I always knew you were from another planet."

But I would come to realise that light language is the language of the soul, we intuit it with our heart. A few Light language workshops, activations and transmissions from Jerry and I was channeling this wonderful, intergalactic, heart centred information for myself. Fast forward through a Diploma in Light Language healing and a whole world of codes, sacred geometry and inter dimensional connections had opened up for me.

So if you're still curious as to what Light language actually is and how it can help us to heal, this guide is for you.


What is Light Language?

Light language is a multi dimensional, layered form of communication from higher dimensions which can alter our consciousness and DNA. It is information directly from God, Source, Prime Creator and comes to us in many different ways. It vibrates on various levels of dimension, meaning and form and is the frequency of pure love. Light language does activate both mind and heart, however the heart centre is better able to receive the frequency of love and will accept the information downloading without seeking to analyse and understand it.

Light language is higher realm intelligence and contains insight, power, wisdom and information. We can download this information if our receptacle is primed and open and we can then express this downloaded information from higher dimensions in a variety of ways. Art, singing, making music, dance, writing, creativity and behavioural intelligence are just a few of the ways this information can be expressed. Light language is transformational: it works on a cellular level and can change the human frequency from fear to love which is its primary function.

Why Is Light Language Coming To Earth At This Time?

And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

Genesis 1:3

Many seminal sacred texts refer to Light and Sound as the origins of creation and from these origins all other matter in the universe was created. Light moved from its subtle original vibrations and frequencies and travelled through density, bending, shifting, transforming. Earth is currently third dimensional, where matter is solid and dense, hence when light reaches us from the higher dimensions, what we observe is solidified light. Earth is transitioning, however, to the fifth dimension and astronomers have observed that we are in receipt of coronal mass ejections from the Central Sun. M class and X class flares are increasing in regularity and magnitude and this increase in light is having an effect on our cells and consciousness.

Light language from Source and the higher dimensions is coming to assist humanity in growth, expansion of consciousness and raising our vibration in line with Earth's ascension to the fifth dimension. Light codes are coming in which are affecting our DNA, helping us to assimilate our physical bodies but this increase in light is clearing and preparing our physical and etheric bodies for increased downloads which may result in physical symptoms known as ascension symptoms. These symptoms may include: fatigue, restlessness, mild aches, nausea, dizziness, anxiety, feeling emotional, hormonal changes or buzzing or ringing in the ears. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, know you are not alone. Ground. Rest. Indulge in self care. If you feel you need to seek medical advice then do so.

Types of Light Language

Light language can be understood as the original language, sometimes called the language of the angels. John Dee and Edward Kelley documented this original received language from the angels, which they termed Enochian, in 1583.

This language was regarded as 'constructed' and Dee and Kelley were met with scepticism, however, it is important to recognise that like other sacred and vibrational languages like Sanskrit, Light language cannot be easily translated into words as much of its vibratory essence is lost. Light language transmits far more than information. It is not just for communication hence even the term 'language' is not adequate to describe its nature. As it is the original language, all Earth languages are merely derived from it and are therefore inferior to it as a method of transmission of information.

There are many different types of transmission of Light language and each person 'translates' it uniquely to their own understanding and resonance. Temples, churches and sacred sites utilise sacred geometry to amplify the connection to the divine in order to receive the holy language of light.

Light language can be transmitted from angelic races, galactic races, elementals or fae or from higher dimensional entities such as the Elven race. JRR Tolkien may indeed have been channeling when he created the Elven language in the Lord of the Rings.

Light language can be transmitted and received as geometrical forms, codes, as spoken language used by galactics or as high vibrational sound. Some people receive this transmissions and write them or draw them so others can visualise them and absorb the information in the codes into their DNA.

How light language is received is really dependent on each individual.

How to receive Light Language

Not everyone will download light language in the same way. Some people may download mental information such as information about intergalactic creatures, planets or structures, others may download geometrical forms, yet others will download frequencies of love which will assist them with relationship mastery. Do not think that if you cannot spontaneously speak an ancient or futuristic language that you are not channeling light language. You may be creating sacred sound, art or downloading higher frequencies which help you affect the vibration of love on the planet, thus assisting with humanity's ascension and raised vibration.

Light language interacts with your energy field and brings your energy system in alignment with its own natural frequency. This is often done without you needing to consciously do anything. You can attune and activate the body to be more receptive to light: eat clean, drink plenty of purified water, exercise and get plenty of rest and then notice instances of increased light in your life or messages from your higher self.

Light language can come to us more directly through meditation or listening to transmissions which can activate our DNA. Each time you interact with Light language may be different, dependent on what your body needs and what your soul is transmitting; after all light language can be transmissions from galactics or a transmission of love from your higher self. During an activation you may feel happy and joyous, feeing the love vibration in your heart; during another you may be clearing a mental or emotional block such as fear of abandonment or guilt and may be incredibly emotional. Just know that however you experience it, light language is preparing us for an elevated and golden time on Earth, it is healing and always for your highest good.

Light language is the purest vibration of celestial love and it is our divine birthright.

Further information:

This light language transmission will open your heart and unleash your power:

If you would like to go deeper, explore the profound healing that Light Language can bring in a sacred space:

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